
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Don't Walk - Run!

I just finished doing a Bible study - Becoming A Woman Of Simplicity by author Cynthia Heald.

I have the next study right here beside me (Becoming a Woman Of Purpose); turning the first page to the Preface I start underlining all the things that stand out... most of the first page! 

I have been in a drought for the last two years. Our previous Pastor was so gifted at bringing the Word that I had something to chew on for a whole week. Then the change, and I discovered how empty my cup was without someone else's leading. 
Have you been there - your cup is not being refilled after giving all week?
BIG MISTAKE to rely on another to feed us spiritually. 

I have learnt so much, I hope my lessons can encourage you.

There is a season for everything.. I had a season of not being involved at Church. I went from extremely busy (Sunday School, Youth Group, Music team, Co-ordinator of certain events) to not being involved at all. I did not withdraw from my lovely friends, just from offering.
This season left me dry, I felt guilty, I felt like I had nothing to offer anymore. At first it felt like a break, then I began to ask the Lord for understanding and guidance.

We are to 'run the race set out before us'......Hebrews 12:1
1. To 'run' is to take action.
2. The 'race marked out for us'.

1. After two years, I took action - lead by the Holy Spirit of course - God obviously heard my prayers and decided my heart was fertile & ready to grow. Sitting at the computer and perusing the Koorong catalogue, I skimmed past the Cynthia Heald Study on Simplicity and that was it - it stood out, I had done most of her studies before but had never seen this one. I ordered it and it changed my life. 
I seem to go through waves of busyness and then take a break, I would have said that it was 'seasons' in my life, however, now I understand that I basically take on too much and make the decision to do it myself - I stamp it with God's approval and end up getting burned out due to reliance on my own strength. Then I withdraw for a period.

Answer: To have a simple and pure devotion to Christ, making it my ambition to lead a quite life and only ask the Lord for His direction and will. 
(2 Co 11:3; 1 Thess 4:11)

2. To run the race marked out for us - If you do not know the race track you will get lost - it's that simple.
The first Bible study has bought me back to searching the Word for myself based on my relationship with Christ Jesus and not dependant upon a Pastor. It has cleared the way for me to draw nearer to the Lord on a daily basis, and it has been exciting to get to know Him deeper by simplifying my days. 
Now, however, I am ready to know the race track - to learn of the proper path for me - this will be different for all of us of course, but knowing the path He set out for us has to make the race a little bit easier to run wouldn't you agree?
Becoming A Woman Of Purpose covers topics like God's Purpose, Our Purpose & My Purpose.
I am so looking forward to it.

Be encouraged that you have a path that has been set out for you by your Creator, who loves you and wished only the best for you. It is not an easy path to walk, there will be suffering along the way but there will also be blessings and victories. This is a path well worth walking but we will need the Lord's strength, and we will have to make sure we do not clutter our lives with so much 'stuff' that we cannot see clearly.

Through Prayer you too can simplify - Jeremiah 6:16..

 “Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls. 

Be encouraged! Bec

Thursday, 16 May 2013

What's Milo got to do with God?

As we were sitting around the table discussing the Word, we came to 1 John 5:14-15.

We were told to make some notes on God's gifts.
We threw around some of our individual 'understandings' of what it meant, when suddenly a picture of a Milo tin formed in my mind followed by a whole message! I found myself sitting there smiling, thinking "Really Father? Milo? You really want me to share that?"..

So I proceeded to share the message I had received...

It was not about taking time to rest in God's peace whilst enjoying a warm cup of Milo; nor was it about the nutrients found in one sip as in one sip of the river that flows from His throne.... we can see parables  in almost anything.. but this just popped into my head out of the blue during a deep theological discussion.
Verse 15 'And since we know that He invariably gives his attention to our prayers, whatever they are, we can be quite sure that what we have asked for is already ours.'

It's like Milo.
As a parent I buy Milo when I am shopping, because I want to give it to my children as a treat.
I think ahead, I go down the isle and deliberately purchase it. I take it home and place it in my pantry for the perfect time to bless my children.
When my children came and ask me for Milo, I consider the time, the circumstances, the fairness between siblings, the child and whether or not it is right for them right now. Before they even ask, the Milo was set aside for them.

This taught me that it was always God's intention to bless me. He is ready and willing. In our relationship He wants to bless me (it took me a long time to not feel selfish/greedy saying this). He planned it and set about to make it happen.

I need to ask Him as he hears every request that is made in accord with His plan. I can have confidence that the blessings are there ready and waiting.

Though I ask in confidence, I still need to 'wait' for the answer, as my Father considers what is best for me. a completely different message!

I loved this analogy! It helped me to understand that He set aside blessings in advance for me. Perhaps this message was a word just for me, but I do believe that when we share the word we receive, it can then be clarified for us and/or a blessing to others.

Thanks for reading my blog and persevering with me while I navigate the path that is my life's journey. I hope that my lessons are in some way, a blessing to you.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Relinquishing Control.

Another wonderful message for me to understand how much I am loved - had to share this YouTube clip with you all.

God is the perfect creator isn't he? When you take a good hard look at yourself do you ask "Why did you make me like this?"

Does not the potter have the right to make out of the clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common.

There may be times you do not like your life, however if you do exactly what you were called/created to do/to be, you will find perfect peace....

I could not say this any better than the following Skit Guys - They are AMAZINGLY gifted! Enjoy

How best to spend my life??

Again and again I am confronted with the question of "is this the best use of my time on Earth.."
Last week I heard a saying - "Time is our coin - spend it wisely"
WOW! I had this picture in my mind of every time I said 'yes' to something, I handed over coins from my 'life purse'... If I knew how many coins I had left then would this be a good investment? After all, I am after gold, silver and bronze from my life.. not wood, hay and stubble!

It forced me to have a look at the things I am doing now and ask the Lord if it fits with His plan for me. Are you finding you are too busy as well?

There are so many 'SHOULD's' out there.. they come thick and fast from well meaning people, especially the people who love me the most and want me to succeed in all that I do.

Do you get:
'You should do this', 'you should do that', 'you should be'...
Why??? Is what I am doing right now not enough?
      And not enough for whom - you or me????
The world says to succeed, but God says you are a success if you love me.
The world says to take, but God says to give.
The world says you should be, but God says 'I made you what you already are'.
The world says do this, but God says 'I have a path for you that will prosper you and not harm you'.

Listen to what others are saying, but never make decisions before consulting your Father in Heaven, He knows what is best for you. Before you answer those requests put on you, thank them and tell them you will think/pray about it and check your calendar. If you are a married woman (as I am) then you need to ask your husband his direction for you and your family to see if this fits, he is accountable for you. Basically, don't make decisions straight away. Allow yourself time to not get carried away but to make well thought out decisions so you don't waste the precious little time you have.

By doing this you should be able to eliminate the stress that makes you irritable with your kids and too tired for your partner, we all know that it is the ones that are the closest to us that suffer from our decisions.

Psalm 32:8 'I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you'.

Isaiah 48:17 'This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."

Today, take time (and I don't mean make time), I really do mean to take time back! Set it aside to nourish your relationship with your Saviour. It is not as hard as it seems.. No more -  "I will after I finish this...';  Romans 12:2 - Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!
Change your thinking process - God first.. worldly things second.. after all, the washing will still be there in half an hour.
Tune your ear in to the Holy Spirit and have your soul refreshed by His soothing voice.

May the Lord bless you today as you seek Him first in your life.

To search - has a beginning and an end.. have you even begun????