
Friday, 14 June 2013

Born With A Fatal Wound

As I placed my head on my pillow last night at 11:53pm.. this is what popped into my mind! I am learning to be ready with pen and paper to capture the things I want to remember.

I was born with a fatal wound and am now on the road to recovery.
Though it is inevitable I will die as a result of this wound, it is also plausible that I will 
live due to the nature of the recovery.
The wound is sin, in which I had no say or control over the contagion on my soul. 
It will inevitably kill me.
But the recovery is in the union I have with the Creator, and in the provision He made for cure.
It too, will only be made complete in the surety of my Earthly death. 
The only condition is that I accept it.
This, however, IS within my control.

If we are not tempted beyond that which is common for man (1 Co 10:13); then it is fair to say that the things we do on an everyday basis has the potential to be sin and us not know it.

I am not sure what the answer is in this except to pray and ask the Lord to open our eyes and reveal to us our own distance from His purity & Holiness. It may mean we look at the simple things we do each day and question if they fit with His original blue print for our path. 
Some examples of this would be watching TV and what we are viewing...Or what words we are saying when we sing songs. Perhaps how much food we eat or how we relate to the people whose paths we cross. 

When you have finished reading this small blog of mine - don't be like the man in James 1:23.
Chew on it a while.. and have your cup filled by His word. Bec

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 

Perhaps the answer is in our actions....

25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Will There Be Shadows In Heaven?

Driving along, stuck behind a slow car... My mind was blank as is quite often the case when I drive into town numerous times through the day, . I noticed the shadow on a guide post and asked 'why are all shadows black?"

Wow where did that come from... Why ARE all shadows black? I understand dark and light, and when the sun shines it casts a shadow, but why not colourful shadows based on the object being shone upon.

Have you ever seen a dog discover his own shadow? It is very funny to watch, they try to attack it!
Children are scared of their own shadows, and petrified of others.
Teenagers play with their shadows.
Adults never think about them again.

I wonder....

Could shadows be the oppression of the enemy in the world? In that we are all tainted by it in one way or another..and the shadow just gets darker the more the light shines on it. Perhaps when we stand directly in the light of God, there will be no shadow?  Could shadows be sin as in Peter Pan - where it is attached to us....and alive...perhaps like the sin we were born into?
My creative mind just kept going!!!

I don't really have any answers here.. it was just food for thought that I am still pondering. I just thought I would share it with you out of curiosity!

Ps 36:7 - Even God has a shadow - but in His we can hide.....

(Revelation 21:21b 'The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass...' The walls and roads of heaven will be clear, transparent.. see through - perhaps to not hinder the Glory of the Lord shining onto everything? 

Hope you are feeling full to overflowing. Bec

The Prodigal Me???

I love it when the Lord pops a message in my head, from out of the blue - BAM - in a split second a whole sermon!

So in the famous words of my previous Pastor Barry, I have 10 x 'R"s for you!

Recall the story of the Prodigal Son - Have you read it? If you need a refresher then please read Luke 15:11-32 before you go any further.....

Two Sons, one Father. 
One Son did what he wanted to do and Regretted it.
One Son did what everyone else wanted him to do - what was expected of him and he later Resented it.

The first Son did what he wanted to do. 
He wanted the world and all it had to offer. Perhaps he had heard all the stories, perhaps he looked at his family and their way of life and decided it wasn't for him. Maybe he was sick of being asked to contribute to the family and he just wanted to grow his wings and fly away - sounds like a Rebellious teenager don't you think?
He Realised (vs 17) how foolish he had been and Repented (vs 18), he Returned (vs 20) home where his father Rejoiced (vs 22) in him and Reconciled (vs 24) him back to himself and his family. This made him more grateful and wiser.

The second Son did what everyone else wanted him to do  - what was expected of him.
He wanted the world but was never game to push for it (vs 29).
He Resented (vs 28) his own obligated obedience and all the attention his brother was receiving. He Rebelled (vs 29) , threw a tantrum and Rebuked (vs 30) his Father. However, his Father pleaded with him to be a part of the celebrations and see the life in the son who returned (vs 31).

The Father, not only rejoiced in both his children, but he reconciled them to himself with sin and without sin, proving His love for His creation.
One Son had to ask for forgiveness and Received love, the other Son felt righteous and justified in his attitude and Rejected love.

When it all boils down - which Son are we? Which son are you?

Sometimes I feel righteously proud and justified in my opinions... I believe this steals from me the joy of accepting Gods love and forgiveness and hinders me being reconciled to Him. Other times, I realise how wrong I have been and turn from my ways which in turn helps me to accept the Love of my Father in Heaven and realise how much I need him.

I am sure there are many ways to look at the Prodigal Son, but I am thankful that the Lord chose to show me that there is always a decision.
One Son decided he was wrong, the other decided he was right.

Matthew 5:45 (NLT)
In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For He gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.

Joshua 24:15

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Let me leave you with these words - Your choice.....
Jeremiah 6:16
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.
    But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

I hope you are feeling full! Bec