
Friday, 5 July 2013

To be His hands and feet...

I am so proud of my eldest daughter... I thought I would share her decision with you!
She has decided to go to YWAM DTS - Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School.

In her own words she stated that she would like to start her life the right way with God at the steering wheel.. We are so excited for her as we are fully aware of how rewarding it is to serve God with our whole self. It is very hard to share this excitement with most of our friends as their children are all young, however we could not be happier or more excited, I tear up just thinking about it!

I must admit I am just a little bit envious that she gets to GO and answer the call, while I still have to stay to meet the needs of my family - which is my current call, and I am sure she will have to face this 'stay at home Mum' one day.. but for now she gets to walk out her faith by learning and serving.
If you would like to know more about YWAM DTS... check it out on You Tube! She is doing the MAD program (Music, Art & Drama) at Brisbane QLD. Such an awesome opportunity for young Christians to find out who they are & who they are called to be - but mostly to get personal with The ONE who calls! Jesus...
I look forward to cheering her on as she walks in the valley :)

If your life is stagnant... choose a different path!