
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The List

I am a lists person, are you?
I have different lists for different purposes.
The 'today' list; 'this weeks' list; 'this month' list; a future list of goals, one for the year and one for the next ten years.

Some are in my head and some are on paper. I have a 'To Do' list for my boss and a 'To Do' list for my husband. My children's lists are in the diary and from this I can then run my day.

So how can I hear the voice of God guiding me, sifting through all there was on my agenda of things to do, and still find rest enough to replenish my strength in Him? As much as I thought about it, I couldn't seem to "unbusy" and 'declutter' my life.

I have realised my list is a fraudulent list! I have written it, seen that it fits into my plans for life and I have stamped it with God's approval!

If you, too, live by lists.. just ask yourself - do you feel busy even when you sit down to do nothing?
This was the turning point for me. When I had no work to do, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do ( I still to this day can't). There were plenty of things I wanted to attend, but felt too busy to go, even though I spent most of my day not doing too much at all.
Now that I have realised this, I am free to have my plans, but if they do not get done then tomorrow is another day and it can take care of I will listen to His still small voice telling me what to do.
Today you can live by His still small voice.
The difference is 'TRUST'.
Trust in His promises for you -
He will provide all of your needs according to HIS riches in Glory; Phil 4:19.

Jeremiah 29:11 is very popular and understandably so. It is a reminder that God has it all in His hands. It is very easy to rattle off cushy scripture, but quite often we forget verse 13... "If you look for me whole heartedly, you WILL find me!" He then goes on to say "I WILL be found by you"...

WOW! In our busy life, we neglect the key points to finding God.
"If you look for me wholeheartedly"...
This is a decision of our will, we do not go looking for something without deciding to do so. And to do so wholeheartedly would be to remove all other distractions and make the time to do so passionately.

So making time to read His word and pray will help us to find Him. When we find Him we will accept his plan for our lives. When we accept His plan for our lives we will understand that in making our lists for life, only the will of God is what is important and at the end of the day, we can find our peace in His guidance.

That's been my weeks lesson.. I hope to build you up and encourage you to look at yourself and consider the decisions you have to make as well..
In the Father's hands you WILL find rest.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Valley Path

Allow yourself to imagine for just a moment...
Take a breath, close your eyes & go to a different place for just a moment...

Walking beside a stream, the water is cool and crystal clear. You can hear the noise of the babbling brook up head, it is soothing to the soul. You take a breath and smile - You have found it.. that place...

You are not alone, beside you is the creator, a strong hand holding yours, you are free to walk, laugh, talk, run, to explore.

Up ahead there are three paths.
The one that does a 90 degrees.. that is the one you would not take. That is not even a choice. Who would be foolish enough to leave this secure safety?.....No, that path is not even a choice (though I hear many who go down there are never heard from again)

The middle path, It is easier, and at times the creator can hold your hands, but mostly He has to just watch you.
This path is the path of Free will, much like the other path, but there are not as many challenges here (though you will have two hands which will allow you to collect things along the way) the path is smooth, no over grown grass, rocky outcrops or deep ravines, it is easier to walk, but you will walk it alone... and at the end the meadow is not green and lush, it is brown, dry and lonely, the water there is tasteless and sometimes stagnant, no-one to talk to, no-one to share with. Even if you do cross the path of another family member there, their ears are slightly deafened and eyes slightly narrowed due to their single-minded devotion to protecting themselves so they cannot really understand you, they don't really want to talk to you because they are on their own path, collecting up their own little treasures which weigh them down, you are merely a threat to them as you may take something that belongs to them. Don't even bother asking anyone to help you with your journey here.. they are too busy with their own.

The path parallel with the stream seams to have obstacles, they are not insurmountable but will take effort. The grass can be a little long in places that may cause you to get lost for a bit, but that strong hand promises to not let go.. it will draw you back to the right path. 
There are deep ravines and rocky outcrops but still, that strong hand says they will carry you  - have they ever told a lie?
The stream will become a little loud and fast along the path, but don't be afraid, because the water cannot touch you unless you want it to.
At times the path will become dark, shadowed by the towering mountains that are full of scary dangerous beasts..again, if you just ask the Creator who is holding your hand, He will protect you, for He can be scarier than anything along the path..I hear that even the dragon that resides there is afraid of Him.. thank goodness He promises to not let go of your hand and you can even turn your eyes when you are afraid and He will navigate the path for you.

I am told there is a green meadow and plenty of rest awaiting your arrival at the other end,  where the grass is lush and the stream is still, you can dive in and be refreshed...oh the peace it affords you will be worth every step along that path! 

I hope I have been able to paint a picture in your minds eye.
As a Christian, I am sure you understand the paths I talk about.
The first path of course is the path which denies Christ, even if someone acknowledges the existence of a creator, on this path, they deny that they need Him. I feel so much sorrow for these people. They may be able to be saved, but it would take us to step out of our comfort zone and love them and share with them the truth in order to get them close enough to the path so they can even see the hand of the Creator reaching out to them.

The middle path is of course the path of the Christian who places value on material possessions & self.. they place importance on their house, or their antiques or possessions, & their own comfort. Forever consumed with their own lives and their own importance. When they have time with their brothers and sisters in the Lord, they talk about themselves so much that you don't really get a chance to ask them how they are going. Their children do no wrong and they don't need anyones help. They cry poor but do not realise that they have so much to share, their primary concern is how they can get more, be more, do more for themselves. They are kind to their friends, but outside that, they don't even bother to touch others.. it may be too time consuming and after all, they are very busy people doing waht they feel is what God wants them to do.

Obviously the third path is the right path. A life devoted to our walk with the Lord and Saviour. Where we do not let go of His hand. Where we read the word, pray and fellowship in the word with others. Where we open up our homes and and invite others in, without holding back just that little bit for ourselves. To give to those who have a need without counting the toll on our own bank accounts/lives.

God is good all the time... we are not all the time.. but with His hand holding ours, we become perfect through the blood of Christ which was shed for us.
Choose the right path...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Just catch your breath..

Just catch your breath...

Isaiah 55.11- 'so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it".

I confess that sometimes I am like the man who, after looking at himself in the mirror, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:24

I love drawing near to God, but most certainly need to do it more often. Being in His presence is like just popping out of the world for a minute to take a deep breath of fresh air! It is recalibrating the soul.

Drawing near to God.. what does it mean? How do we do it? 
I have been searching out these questions lately and have come up with what I think works for me. A three part action -

  1. Make time to read the word
  2. Take time to Pray over and in and on the word that you read
  3. Fellowship in the word with someone, preferably someone in the family of Christ, or look for ways to share it with someone who crosses your path.
I love to read the word, I cannot get enough; but unless I really ponder on it and churn over it, I can forget what I read and find no meat to chew on.

When I learn the most from God is when I am in communion with Him, either by reading the word, or by praying about it or by talking with a friend; but mostly all three.

Fellowship is greatly lacking in Christian circles. Not the fellowship of spending time with friends & having a meal together. But the fellowship of believers, where they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Where everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. A place where all the believers were together and had everything in common. How they sold their property and possessions to give to anyone who had a need and everyday they met together in the church or in their homes and they ate thankfully, praising God and enjoying God's favor through His people.
When was the last time you gathered at a friends house and spoke on the things the Lord has been showing you lately? OR, when did you last ask your sister or brother how their walk in the Lord is going?....Encouraging one another in brotherly love....

We are all on a journey that was written before the beginning of time. He saw our face way back when and draw up the plan that would be best for our lives. Firstly for good, and secondly for OUR good. From the minute the light bulb went off in our heads and we decided to believe in God, He saved us and our correct path began. Imagine being given the right... the rights to the city, the rights to the king, the rights to any bank, the rights to land...He gave us the right to sonship - heirs to the king.. 

This very fact is enough to make us be still and confidently know who our God is - 

I love looking around at the amazing scenery he has put there just for our enjoyment...

Here I catch my breath... And remember He is God.