
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Just catch your breath..

Just catch your breath...

Isaiah 55.11- 'so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it".

I confess that sometimes I am like the man who, after looking at himself in the mirror, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:24

I love drawing near to God, but most certainly need to do it more often. Being in His presence is like just popping out of the world for a minute to take a deep breath of fresh air! It is recalibrating the soul.

Drawing near to God.. what does it mean? How do we do it? 
I have been searching out these questions lately and have come up with what I think works for me. A three part action -

  1. Make time to read the word
  2. Take time to Pray over and in and on the word that you read
  3. Fellowship in the word with someone, preferably someone in the family of Christ, or look for ways to share it with someone who crosses your path.
I love to read the word, I cannot get enough; but unless I really ponder on it and churn over it, I can forget what I read and find no meat to chew on.

When I learn the most from God is when I am in communion with Him, either by reading the word, or by praying about it or by talking with a friend; but mostly all three.

Fellowship is greatly lacking in Christian circles. Not the fellowship of spending time with friends & having a meal together. But the fellowship of believers, where they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Where everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. A place where all the believers were together and had everything in common. How they sold their property and possessions to give to anyone who had a need and everyday they met together in the church or in their homes and they ate thankfully, praising God and enjoying God's favor through His people.
When was the last time you gathered at a friends house and spoke on the things the Lord has been showing you lately? OR, when did you last ask your sister or brother how their walk in the Lord is going?....Encouraging one another in brotherly love....

We are all on a journey that was written before the beginning of time. He saw our face way back when and draw up the plan that would be best for our lives. Firstly for good, and secondly for OUR good. From the minute the light bulb went off in our heads and we decided to believe in God, He saved us and our correct path began. Imagine being given the right... the rights to the city, the rights to the king, the rights to any bank, the rights to land...He gave us the right to sonship - heirs to the king.. 

This very fact is enough to make us be still and confidently know who our God is - 

I love looking around at the amazing scenery he has put there just for our enjoyment...

Here I catch my breath... And remember He is God.

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